GKE gRPC Ingress LoadBalancing


Update, 12/13/21: just use the following guide

You can find the source here

gRPC loadbalancing on GKE

Sample showing gRPC Loadbalancing via Ingress to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Each RPC is loadbalanced between backend pods!

In this mode one gRPC connection sends 10 rpc messages. The GKE Ingress L7 loadbalancer intercepts that ssl connection and then transmits each RPC to to different pods behind the Ingress Service. Since each RPC goes to different endpoints, the load is more evenly distributed between all pods.

On the other hand, if you setup a GKE cluster and expose it externally via L4 (type: LoadBalancer), then each client will connect to ONE pod over gRPC. If that client sends the same 10 rpc requests, then one unlucky pod will handle all of them and cause imbalanced load.


Update 8/10/20: GCP now support a BackendConfig that supports independent HealthChecks over HTTP that Ingress understands:

The BackendConfig makes the workarounds using mux and envoy described in previous commits in this repo obsolete but you still need an a POD that proxies HTTP healthcheck requests.

You still need to run an HTTP listener Container on the same gRPC Service POD (ie run your grpc service in one container and run an http proxy healthcheck in another). Previously, you had to effectively run HTTP and gRPC on the same Serving Port.

For example, you can run an HTTP listener on :8080 and a GRPC service on :50051. GCP will send healthcheck requests to :8080 which makes a GRPC healtcheck request internally to :50051

  • podSpec(http_grpc_proxy:8080, grpc_service:50051)

The following grpc_health_proxy translates HTTP requests into gRPC HealCheck Protocol.

To deploy, start GKE Cluster 1.18 or higher

gcloud container  clusters create cluster-grpc \
 --zone us-central1-a  --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias \
 --cluster-version "1.18"
cd gcegrpc/gke_ingress_lb
kubectl apply -f .

Wait for the Ingress and Loadbalancer configurations to allocate an IP and test as described below. (wait maybe 8mins)

Look at fe-srv-ingress.yaml file for the BackendConfig:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: fe-srv-ingress
    type: fe-srv
    cloud.google.com/app-protocols: '{"fe":"HTTP2"}'
    cloud.google.com/neg: '{"ingress": true, "exposed_ports": {"50051":{}}}'
    cloud.google.com/backend-config: '{"default": "fe-grpc-backendconfig"}'
  type: ClusterIP 
  - name: fe
    port: 50051
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 50051
    app: fe
apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1
kind: BackendConfig
  name: fe-grpc-backendconfig
    type: HTTP2
    requestPath: /
    port: 8080

What that describes is http healthcheck that will send requests to / on port :8080. The Ingress rule specifies HTTP2 traffic to port :50051 for selector: app:fe and also uses the healthchecks defined by fe-grpc-backendconfig.

See Creating a Service for a container-native load balancer

A Service of type ClusterIP is recommended unless you explicitly need the nodePort provided by a NodePort Service.

NOTE: HTTP2 Healthchecks on GCP requires https (health-check-concepts)

A couple of notes about SSL. The configuration described in this article uses TLS from start to finish:

  • client -> SSL -> L7LB (ingress) -> SSL -> (gRPC Application Service)
  • GCP HTTP2 Healtcheck -> SSL -> (healthCheck Proxy) --> SSL (gRPC HealthCheck Service)

The effective configuration for the HealthCheck Proxy then handles TLS from GCP’s Healthcheck and also makes a new TLS connection to the service POD

      - name: hc-proxy
        image: docker.io/salrashid123/grpc_health_proxy:1.0.0
        args: [
      - name: grpc-app
        image: salrashid123/grpc_only_backend
        args: [
        - containerPort: 50051    


$ gcloud container  clusters create cluster-grpc \
   --zone us-central1-a  --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias \
   --cluster-version "1.19"

If using ILB, see Setting up ILB Subnet

first create an ILB subnet in the appropriate range (in this case, its

$ gcloud compute networks subnets create proxy-only-subnet  \
   --region=us-central1   --network=default   --range=


$ kubectl apply -f .

(wait 8 mins, really wait)

$  kubectl get po,rs,ing,svc
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8   2/2     Running   0          14m
pod/fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc   2/2     Running   0          14m

NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/fe-deployment-5956bb98d   2         2         2       14m

NAME                                CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE
ingress.extensions/fe-ilb-ingress   <none>   *     80, 443   14m
ingress.extensions/fe-ingress       <none>   *   80, 443   14m

NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)           AGE
service/fe-srv-ingress   NodePort   <none>          50051:31473/TCP   14m
service/fe-srv-lb        LoadBalancer   50051:32216/TCP   14m
service/kubernetes       ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP           15m

External L7 LB

Test with Network LB:

$ docker run --add-host server.domain.com: \
  -t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client \
  --host server.domain.com:50051

2020/09/21 21:38:00 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:01 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:02 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:03 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:04 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:05 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:06 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:07 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:08 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:09 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8"

Now test with the Ingress LB:

$ docker run --add-host server.domain.com: \
  -t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client \
  --host server.domain.com:443

2020/09/21 21:38:13 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:38:14 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:38:15 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:16 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:38:17 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:38:19 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:20 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:21 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:22 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:38:23 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8"


On a VM within GCP:

$ docker run --add-host server.domain.com: \
   -t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client \
   --host server.domain.com:443

2020/09/21 21:39:55 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:39:56 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:39:57 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:39:58 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:39:59 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:40:00 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:40:01 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:40:02 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc" 
2020/09/21 21:40:03 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-7l4g8" 
2020/09/21 21:40:04 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg   from hostname fe-deployment-5956bb98d-sm7xc"

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