Yet another image file converter on GCP


Two workflows to convert an images to different formats on GCP and optionally save on Cloud CDN.

This repo converts images but the pattern described in the Batch confiuration can be reused as a fan-out pattern using google cloud serverless components. What that means is, one event fans out and gets processed independently and asynchronously by different Cloud Run instances

You can find the source here

  1. Inline
  • Inline: upload directly, convert file; either return converted file in respose or save to GCS and provide CDN URL

client -> [upload image in POST, specify conversion specs as query-param] --> Cloud Run converts image --> Saves converted file to GCS

  1. Batch
  • Upload images files to source GCS Bucket. Specify file formats to convert to as metadata. Converted files saved to GCS

client --> GCS --> [Object Change Notification] --> GCF --> [for each file format, create Cloud Task] --> Cloud Task --> Cloud Run converts image --> Saves converted file to GCS.

both mode uses - to convert the iamages


This repo also shows

Setup Env Variables

export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER="$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='get(projectNumber)')"
export CDN_URL=

gcloud services enable \ \ \


Create GCS bucket that is enabled for Cloud CDN. You don’t have to do this step if you don’t intend to place the processed image where its available publicly via cloud cdn.

ref Using a Cloud Storage bucket as a load balancer backend

You can use the canned ssl certificates in this repo.

cd certs/
gsutil mb gs://$DEST_BUCKET_NAME

gcloud compute addresses create image-cdn --global

gcloud compute ssl-certificates create cdn-cert --certificate=images.crt --private-key=images.key

gcloud compute backend-buckets create static-bucket --gcs-bucket-name $DEST_BUCKET_NAME --enable-cdn

gcloud compute url-maps create cdn-map  --default-backend-bucket=static-bucket

gcloud compute target-https-proxies create cdn-lb-proxy --url-map=cdn-map --ssl-certificates=cdn-cert --global
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create cdn-content-rule --address --global --target-https-proxy cdn-lb-proxy --ports 443

List the IP address (you’ll use is if you want to serve the images from CDN)

$  gcloud compute addresses list
NAME                              ADDRESS/RANGE    TYPE      PURPOSE       NETWORK  REGION       SUBNET   STATUS
image-cdn                  EXTERNAL                                               RESERVED


Configure Inline processing pipeline

First note the

  • Cloud Run Service Account Format: $

Allow that service account to write Metrics, Logs and Trace

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID  \
   --member=serviceAccount:$ \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID  \
   --member=serviceAccount:$ \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID  \
   --member=serviceAccount:$ \

Grant the Service account Cloud Run uses permissions to write to the destination bucket

gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$,objectViewer,objectAdmin gs://$DEST_BUCKET_NAME

Build the Docker image

cd convert_stream/run
docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/imagetx .

If you want to run the image locally, create a service account and grant the same IAM permissions as given to cloud Run (save the json file as svc_account.json)

docker run -v /path/to/service_account_file/:/certs \
  -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/certs/svc_account.json \
  -p 8080:8080$PROJECT_ID/imagetx

Upload the file to gcr:

gcloud auth configure-docker
docker push$PROJECT_ID/imagetx

Deploy toCloud Run

gcloud config set run/platform managed
gcloud config set run/region us-central1

gcloud beta run deploy imagex$PROJECT_ID/imagetx \

Note the Cloud RUN URL

Use any image file locally and POST to cloud run as form encoded:

In the following case logo.png will get converted to jpg and saved as logo2.jpg

 curl -s -X POST -F 'name=logo2' -F 'format=jpg' -F 'image=@logo.png'

The default application under convert_stream/src/main.go simply returns a URL for the CDN. If you actually want the image returned inline, do not specify the CDN_URL environment variable during deployment. The default applciation does not mark the uploaded image as public though i have code there commentd out that does that.


GCS --> GCF --> Tasks --> Run --> GCS

Note the Service Account formats used here:

  • Cloud Run SA: $
  • Cloud Functions SA: $
  • Tasks SA: service-$

Create the Source GCS Bucket. This bucket will hold the images you upload that you intend to convert.

gsutil mb gs://$SRC_BUCKET_NAME

Build and Deploy Cloud Run

cd convert_batch/run

docker build -t$PROJECT_ID/imagebatch .
docker push$PROJECT_ID/imagebatch

gcloud beta run deploy imagebatch$PROJECT_ID/imagebatch --no-allow-unauthenticated \

Note down the Cloud RUN URL and export it (eg)

export RUN_URL=

Allow Run to read Source GCS Bucket

  gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$ gs://$SRC_BUCKET_NAME

Allow Run to write to DEST GCS Bucket

  gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$ gs://$DEST_BUCKET_NAME

Deploy TaskQueue:

gcloud tasks queues create q1

Allow GCF to enqueue Task

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
  --member serviceAccount:$ \
  --role roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer

Allow Tasks use OIDC TOken AS GCF

gcloud iam service-accounts  add-iam-policy-binding \
   $ \
   --member=serviceAccount:service-$  --role=roles/cloudtasks.serviceAgent

Deploy GCF function invoked by GCS

cd convert_batch/gcf/

gcloud  functions deploy Fan --entry-point=Fan --runtime go111 \
  --trigger-resource=${SRC_BUCKET_NAME} --set-env-vars=RUN_URL=${RUN_URL},SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$ \ --project=${PROJECT_ID}
  • Allow GCF OIDC Token to invoke Run
  gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding imagebatch \
    --member="serviceAccount:$" \

Upload file to convert to the Destination BUcket

 gsutil -h "x-goog-meta-name:1" -h "x-goog-meta-formats:svg,jpg" cp logo.png gs://$SRC_BUCKET_NAME/

What you should see in the source bucket is the list uploaded file


For each file format specified (svg,png) a new converted file will appear


Monitoring Metrics

Cloud Run was configured to emit custom metrics and traces. The specific metric that is captures is the size of the image file that was processed and the file type. You can see the metric in Stackdriver as

      "name": "projects/img-test-259714/metricDescriptors/",
      "labels": [
          "key": "filetype"
      "metricKind": "CUMULATIVE",
      "valueType": "DISTRIBUTION",
      "unit": "By",
      "description": "The number of bytes processed",
      "displayName": "OpenCensus/mBytes/bytes",
      "type": "",
      "monitoredResourceTypes": [

and in stackdriver console as heatmap



Cloud Run is also enabled for cloud Trace measurements. You can find those traces on the GCP console and shows the request spans you define and the api calls to GCP


The trace shown in this repo only shows the portion that is handled within the Cloud Run Invcation. If you would like to see the part invoked all the way from Cloud Functions–>Task–>Cloud Run, you need to propagate a trace context through. That is, you need to generate a cloud trace ID within cloud functions, then embed that as the X-Cloud-Trace-Context header value into cloud task …which will eventually make it to cloud run.

If you would like to see that portion, please file a FR here and i’ll get to that bit.


i don’t have any, really… its just a sample but hopefully you can use either pattern for other usecases.


  • make dockerfile smaller…
  • process the image as a stream.


just some references

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