
Google Cloud Storage client-side Stream encryption with gsutil and TINK


Sample procedure that does local encryption of a file and then uploads that file to GCS.

Unlike GCS Customer Managed Encryption Key and Customer Supplied Encryption Key for GCS, this procedure encrypts a file locally before uploading and then decrypts a file after download.

This way, not even Google will every know the contents of a file at anytime by any means (not via transit, not in memory,not via KMS).

With CSEK, the key is transferred over TLS to Google…with CMEK and google still retains indirect in-use access to key during KMS operations (meaning google could still view the raw key if its google-hosted KMS or apply crypto operations referencing external KMS). Either way, the raw data will be visible on GCP’s network.

This procedure instead does end-to-end encryption where the contents are encrypted before uploading and will remain encrypted at all times. Only the user that has access to the decryption keys can decode the data.

Specifically, this procedure demonstrates how to use GCS streaming transfers with Envelope Encryption. You can also extend a similar technique to other technologies like wrapping the PubSub Message.

This article essentially performs Envelope Encryption:


  • User has possession of a permanent Key Encryption Key (KEK)
  • User generates a new data encryption key (DEK)
  • User encrypts the GCS file using DEK
  • User encrypts the DEK with the KEK
  • User uploads the encrypted file and attaches the encrypted DEK as metadata


  • User has possession of a permanent Key Encryption Key (KEK)
  • User downloads the encrypted object and its metadata
  • User decrypts the DEK from the metadata using KEK
  • User uses DEK to decrypt object contents

In this article, we will first use openssl and gsutil and then Tink and the GCS SDK. In both cases the encryption/decryption and upload is done using streaming.

I wrote this article back in 2021 but never added it to this blog…so here it is. Another variation of this is using GPG

Also see Client-side encryption with Tink and Cloud KMS

You can find the source here


gsutil Streaming Transfer client-side envelope encryption

gsutil already supports Streaming Transfers so in this case, all we are going to do is generate a KEK, DEK, then encrypt the data with openssl and pipe to gsutil.

KEK: Symmetric DEK: Symmetric

KEK: Asymmetric DEK: Symmetric

TINK Streaming Transfer with GCS SDK

For TINK, we will specify a static KEK, then generate the DEK per object in AEAD mode. THe encrypted DEK is attached into the GCS objects metadata.

The following shows the output of the KEK keyID, KEK itself (NOTE: i’m showing the raw key here just for demo!)

The KEK is of type type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey while each DEK has its own type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey

THe flow then shows the DEK used and its internal key…then the raw hash value of the plaintext file. The file is then encrypted and uploaded.

Upon download, the file’s metadata DEK is decrypted and used to decrypt the file itself…finally the plaintext file’s hash value is shown.

$ go run main.go 

        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Using KEK ID: 1791408185
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Using KEK: 
        "primaryKeyId": 1791408185,
        "key": [
            "keyData": {
                "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey",
                "value": "GiAO06HMApt+/970XhBkkbKEqfmtCgKvimBCqih+XVaguA==",
                "keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC"
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "keyId": 1791408185,
            "outputPrefixType": "TINK"
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Creating new DEK
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 New DEK 
        "primaryKeyId": 1992892731,
        "key": [
            "keyData": {
                "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey",
                "value": "EgcIgCAQIBgDGiChuir640K1vZKqvYzCileKebctj3Whju93wz/askTlDg==",
                "keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC"
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "keyId": 1992892731,
            "outputPrefixType": "RAW"
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Encrypting DEK with KEK
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Encrypted DEK: 
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Generating Hash of plainText file
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Plaintext file hash b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c
        2021/06/05 13:56:36 Encrypting file with DEK
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 File Uploaded
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Downloading encrypted File
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 	x-goog-meta-dek_enc = 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
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 	x-goog-meta-kek_id = 1791408185
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Found object metadata KEK ID: 1791408185
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 b64 Decoding DEK
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Decrypting DEK with KEK
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Decrypted DEK {
        "primaryKeyId": 1992892731,
        "key": [
            "keyData": {
                "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey",
                "value": "EgcIgCAQIBgDGiChuir640K1vZKqvYzCileKebctj3Whju93wz/askTlDg==",
                "keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC"
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "keyId": 1992892731,
            "outputPrefixType": "RAW"
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Using Decrypted DEK to decrypt object
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Calculating hash of decrypted file
        2021/06/05 13:56:37 Decrypted file hash b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c
$ gsutil stat gs://mineral-minutia-820-enctest/secrets.txt.enc
            Creation time:          Sat, 05 Jun 2021 17:56:36 GMT
            Update time:            Sat, 05 Jun 2021 17:56:36 GMT
            Storage class:          STANDARD
            Content-Length:         60
            Content-Type:           application/octet-stream
                x-goog-meta-kek_id: 1791408185
            Hash (crc32c):          fHynpw==
            Hash (md5):             tgNKvZEWTkr1FHzs8SJDDw==
            ETag:                   CM3hyryIgfECEAE=
            Generation:             1622915796873421
            Metageneration:         1

Tink Envelope Encryption with KMS

Tink already supports KMS encrypted keysets where the data is wrapped with a KMS key. The keyset looks like this:

  "encryptedKeyset": "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",
  "keysetInfo": {
    "primaryKeyId": 1049379665,
    "keyInfo": [
        "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.KmsEnvelopeAeadKey",
        "status": "ENABLED",
        "keyId": 1049379665,
        "outputPrefixType": "TINK"

Where you must specify the KEK to unwrap and use the key. For more info see TINK Key management

While i could have used KMS-backed keysets, i wanted to demo this without dependencies on any specific KMS involved. If you want to extend this sample with KMS keys,see

Insecure vs EncryptedKeySet

The default examples in this repo uses InsecureKeySet for the KEK just for simplicity. You really should encrypt the keyset using KMS as shown in

basically, in this flow in context with this repo you have

keyURI             = flag.String("keyURI", "gcp-kms://projects/mineral-minutia-820/locations/us-central1/keyRings/mykeyring/cryptoKeys/key1", "KEK Key URI")

keySetString       = flag.String("keySetString", "Er8BCiUAmT+VVTTUqo1Zw+A30ucZRKy2p8pbH0NmBrHgR8KFQ2AQy2v/EpUBACsKZVK04jA5NAXx6X5sPUa9rCrOid/x2/DsTpPLiTHja33GzM8mxLoMBvr3bCbK4SHB3MCRhAUxikDt7ke9QufwEtZdNN+XT//uCk0LfZLgqMzIsVdzjnwfdbhvBcVDgXWfzsVioPISkFQfN6OTSTQ+c7eyeXWpusV6areF9GrqshyI8qGCmOqKmkH2BC0rZssHb48aRAjrtIfhAhI8CjB0eXBlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL2dvb2dsZS5jcnlwdG8udGluay5BZXNHY21LZXkQARjrtIfhAiAB", "TinkKey String")

where the KeySetString is basically a KMS encrypted key:

	"encryptedKeyset": "CiUAmT+VVUjsLBQOP1mPhEoA4cGUmpADcJ0pGWheywx9azZKywH/EpMBACsKZVLLMsgvFUygMfbSZwtN1RfYW3dqrrasYWIboiiXfFQVAtYs7mEKl9AklmE+M3Oipl+eoWF0gwGk2RIBh8xKoZ7J+DU36ITQzr6siCumGnvSb/PfOFFwNk7tfoUsYNXjZzIt2Do44vZ0S/KQ1H0OJddlM71LVyh83FXARQZF+sWHnhJuvzT23hPPTRhlCtP2",
	"keysetInfo": {
		"primaryKeyId": 200008841,
		"keyInfo": [
				"typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey",
				"status": "ENABLED",
				"keyId": 200008841,
				"outputPrefixType": "TINK"

Which is decrypted by the keyURI that ultimately gives you the KEK. The KEK is then used to encrypt the DEK…

TO use this mode, you need to generate your OWN encryptedKeySet using your own KMS. (run genkey.go and specify the keyURI for your kms).

THen when you run main.go, set the keySetString to that new value and enable --useEncryptedKeySet


Plain Envelope Encryption Samples with openssl

echo "thepassword" > secrets.txt

KEK: Asymmetric
DEK: Symmetric
    openssl genrsa -out KEK.pem 2048
    openssl rsa -in KEK.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out KEK_PUBLIC.pem

    openssl rand 32 > DEK.key
    openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -pbkdf2 -in secrets.txt -out secrets.txt.enc -pass file:./DEK.key

    openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey KEK_PUBLIC.pem -pubin -in DEK.key -out DEK.key.enc

    openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey KEK.pem -in DEK.key.enc -out DEK.key.ptext
    openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -in secrets.txt.enc -out secrets.txt.ptext  -pass file:./DEK.key.ptext
    more secrets.txt.ptext

KEK: Symmetric
DEK: Symmetric
    openssl rand 32 > kek.key
    openssl rand 32 > dek.key

    openssl enc -pbkdf2 -in secrets.txt -out secrets.txt.enc -aes-256-cbc -pass file:./dek.key
    openssl enc -pbkdf2 -in dek.key -out dek.key.enc -aes-256-cbc --pass file:./kek.key

    openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -in dek.key.enc -out dek.key.ptext  -pass file:./kek.key
    openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -in secrets.txt.enc -out secrets.txt.ptext  -pass file:./dek.key.ptext

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