golang-jwt library for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)


Ever needed to generate a JWT thats bound to hardware?…what i mean by that is the private key that is used to sign the jwt exists inside hardware device…its not exportable and the verifier of the jwt knows its from that particular device. Thats about it.

This is just an extension for go-jwt i wrote over thanksgiving that allows creating and verifying JWT tokens where the private key is embedded inside a Trusted platform module.

You can use this library to sign and verify a JWT using the standard go-jwt library semantics.

This library also includes a utility function to create an RSA key inside a TPM and also print its public key in RSA and JWK formats.

Using a TPM to sign or encrypt anything has some very specific applications which i will not go into it much (if your’e reading this, you probably already know). If a JWT is signed by a TPM and if the key that was used was setup in a specific format, the verifier can be sure that the JWT was signed by that TPM only.

For example, you can use a TPM to generate an RSA key with specifications that “this key was generated on a TPM with characteristics such that it cannot get exportable outside the TPM”..very necessarily, the RSA private key will never exist anywhere else other than in that TPM.

How a you trust that a specific RSA key happens to be from a given TPM with a given specification set is a rather complicated protocol that is also not covered in this repo. The specific trust protocol is called TPM Remote Attestation.

This repo assumes the verifier of the JWT has already established that the RSA key that is being used to sign the JWT

this repo is not supported by google


Other references

Much of this implementation is inspired templated form gcp-jwt-go

Supported Key Types

The following types are supported

  • RSA+SHA256


To use this library, you need a TPM to issue a JWT. You do not need a TPM to verify; you just need the public key. On linux, its usually at /dev/tpm0

The sample setup uses a GCP Shielded VM. You can use any system that has a TPM (including a raspberryPi with a fancy extra on chip)


gcloud compute  instances create   tpm-device     \
   --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
   --tags tpm       --no-service-account  --no-scopes  \
   --shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm --shielded-integrity-monitoring  \
   --image=debian-10-buster-v20210916 --image-project=debian-cloud

# ssh to VM

## this library uses go-tpm-tools which...unfortunately requires the following ONLY on the system
## that generates the JWT;  any verifier just needs the public key
##  https://github.com/google/go-tpm-tools#trousers-errors-when-building-server
apt-get update && apt-get install gcc libtspi-dev

Once on the VM, create a key on TPM (if you already have an existing key on TPM, you can acquire a handle using go-tpm-tools). For now, create a key

# git clone https://github.com/salrashid123/golang-jwt-tpm.git
# cd util
# go run keycreate.go 

2021/11/28 20:30:03 ======= Init  ========
2021/11/28 20:30:03 0 handles flushed
2021/11/28 20:30:03      key Name: 
2021/11/28 20:30:03 ======= ContextSave (k) ========
2021/11/28 20:30:03      PublicKey: 
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
2021/11/28 20:30:03 Public Key written to: key.pem
JWK Format:
  "e": "AQAB",
  "kid": "5e41119a2fe12b8fcff3ad663d8aaa96d840ce765d92a256c503bf63060fc5d6",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "yhUost8vRhTv_O3lsLQNza3CdkBVntiZcny7jh2GXi16CtV8Y8bbmWlmACih-0f5SourEbTHiz1zr9AJ6VmQEuOVBv0WBXqUpeUVAUGDrJVJt3qwnTyLUgZmyE158J3HpuI9qV2Q4Z7mkUSGaapkkWGvWd66Me2CqjKDVtJvVxdZhM6PkdrfAUuTdnmfOQ0637YxVzg6S9Jb_Tbmye17ZsT-sbGx0Atn86r9anVWeXrraXYJ3t42ArYp0UV87hB_p1RU2yofUSu-afeX8tEUPNAYZQZaCRCnkIjfFtyEpobsU0_9QZ9htPAfToca3YdTZ9W_QOUpYZrWIxWRxvM0ZQ"

The output of the create command is key.bin which is a TPM public key reference to the embedded key. The output also includes key.pem (the public RSA)

Note that the output shows the PublicKey in RSA and JWK formats

Copy the file key.bin into the examples/ folder

Now create a test JWT and verify it with an RSA key that is extracted from a TPM and also directly.

# cd examples/
# go run main.go 
TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjVlNDExMTlhMmZlMTJiOGZjZmYzYWQ2NjNkOGFhYTk2ZDg0MGNlNzY1ZDkyYTI1NmM1MDNiZjYzMDYwZmM1ZDYiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJleHAiOjE2MzgxMzE1MzAsImlzcyI6InRlc3QifQ.R1CZ1XqXyrMHk77m1Ehj6r4c1pQVFqTRrJ-ij-Y3HFMY5n07orlWGffuiXQU-nXv9coqoncaj3T7a2inF0Qwow5GSPoBdueYVt7bGdU9p7Tb5fC-6OLMwm8JjqrCtFKAjjyLuBGiaLkZ6aZFCouzyQljL_TWx8Lz7_0wZewpX4SUlXNq3aa9pnP5AfmACfrj3_Ds4UllghGO2xHgNxFeAdlr3gvYOZmLIrLwT5KnAV4ZEu-tRJy6ej8qHHNUiNZZ1UkyY_U6SLDmzW8Cu9JbtXLF0b9kbU98bcGZr41bAdRbKxqclTNi04k7ZC2iVS6H0jFTHYwefLBdjXS9yDDLtA
2021/11/28 20:31:10      verified with TPM PublicKey
2021/11/28 20:31:10      verified with exported PubicKey

The JWT is formatted as:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "5e41119a2fe12b8fcff3ad663d8aaa96d840ce765d92a256c503bf63060fc5d6",
  "typ": "JWT"
  "exp": 1638131530,
  "iss": "test"

to use, just import the library configure the TPM. Remember to set the override so that the correct alg is defined in the JWT header

package main

import (

	tpmjwt "github.com/salrashid123/golang-jwt-tpm"

var ()

func main() {

	ctx := context.Background()

	var keyctx interface{}
	claims := &jwt.StandardClaims{
		ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 1).Unix(),
		Issuer:    "test",

	// set override

	token := jwt.NewWithClaims(tpmjwt.SigningMethodTPMRS256, claims)

	config := &tpmjwt.TPMConfig{
		TPMDevice:     "/dev/tpm0",
		KeyHandleFile: "key.bin",
		KeyTemplate:   tpmjwt.AttestationKeyParametersRSA256,
		//KeyTemplate: tpmjwt.UnrestrictedKeyParametersRSA256,

	keyctx, err := tpmjwt.NewTPMContext(ctx, config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Unable to initialize tpmJWT: %v", err)

	token.Header["kid"] = config.GetKeyID()
	tokenString, err := token.SignedString(keyctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error signing %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("TOKEN: %s\n", tokenString)

	// verify with TPM based publicKey
	keyFunc, err := tpmjwt.TPMVerfiyKeyfunc(ctx, config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not get keyFunc: %v", err)

	vtoken, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, keyFunc)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error verifying token %v", err)
	if vtoken.Valid {
		log.Println("     verified with TPM PublicKey")

	// verify with provided RSAPublic key
	pubKey := config.GetPublicKey()

	v, err := jwt.Parse(vtoken.Raw, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
		return pubKey, nil
	if v.Valid {
		log.Println("     verified with exported PubicKey")


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