Basic squid proxy cluster which supports SSL inspection (ssl_bump
The usecase for this is to inspect outbound ssl traffic originating from instances that specify the squid cluster as the http_proxy
for outbound traffic.
That is, with this configuration, an administrator can inspect the actual data within an SSL stream
(i.,e allow
but not
and see headers, payload, etc).
This is achieved by using squid’s ssl_bump
feature and delegating allow/deny decisions to a separate process that honors the ICAP protocol.
Use this setup to crate a cluster of squid proxies which:
NOTE: this just a SAMPLE and not supported by Google. caveat emptor
You can find the source here
If you use this setup, you MUST secure the service account, instance template and GCS bucket used by the cluster. Any client that you want to monitor must direct :443 traffic outbound towards the proxy.
…ofcourse, this is not a transparent proxy configuration: each client must honor proxy CONNECT
protcol (eg, use http_proxy=
export GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"`
export REGION=us-central1
export ZONE=us-central1-a
export GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=gce-svc-account@$
gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_SRC
gcloud services enable
Squid proxies by default do not support ssl_bump
. The Dockerfile
provided in this repo compiles squid with ssl_bump
and dynamic certificate generation
docker build -t docker_tmp .
docker cp `docker create docker_tmp`:/apps/squid .
tar cvf squid.tar squid/
gsutil cp squid.tar gs://$BUCKET_SRC/
rm -rf squid.tar squid/
cd data/
gsutil cp -r . gs://$BUCKET_SRC/data/
gsutil ls gs://$BUCKET_SRC/
The following step will encrypt the certificate that Squid uses to generate certificates. The public part of this is what clients use to trust the SSL connection!
export squid_key=`cat keys/CA_key.pem`
echo $squid_key
echo -n $squid_key | gcloud beta secrets create squid --replication-policy=automatic --data-file=-
… and assign permissions
gcloud iam service-accounts create gce-svc-account --display-name "GCE Service Account"
gcloud iam service-accounts describe gce-svc-account@$
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding $GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --member=serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
gcloud beta secrets add-iam-policy-binding squid --member=serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT:objectViewer gs://$BUCKET_SRC
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=roles/monitoring.metricWriter
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role=roles/logging.logWriter
gcloud compute networks create custom-network1 --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-$REGION-192 --network custom-network1 --region $REGION --range
gcloud compute routers create nat-router --network custom-network1 --region $REGION
gcloud compute routers nats create nat-config --router=nat-router --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips --nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges=subnet-$REGION-192 --region $REGION
gcloud compute instance-templates create squid-template --no-address --metadata=enable-oslogin=FALSE --service-account=$GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --scopes=cloud-platform --machine-type g1-small --tags squid --network custom-network1 --image-family=debian-9 --image-project=debian-cloud --subnet=subnet-$REGION-192 --region $REGION --metadata-from-file
note these instances use the service account that is provided and does NOT have external network connectivity.
You can optionally enable OS Login
gcloud compute firewall-rules create firewall-rules-squid-allow-hc --priority=1000 --network custom-network1 --allow=tcp:3128 --source-ranges=, --target-tags=squid
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-squid --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=custom-network1 --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:3128 --target-tags=squid
gcloud compute firewall-rules create disable-https-egress --direction=EGRESS --priority=1100 --network=custom-network1 --action=DENY --rules=tcp:443
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-https-egress --direction=EGRESS --priority=1000 --network=custom-network1 --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:443 --target-tags=squid
Note: the rules above prevents any traffic outbound from any VM in that network out to the internet on :443
unless it originated from the proxy server
gcloud compute health-checks create tcp hc-tcp-3128 \
--check-interval=5s \
--timeout=5s \
--healthy-threshold=2 \
--unhealthy-threshold=2 \
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create squid-central-ig --base-instance-name squid --template=squid-template --size=1 --zone=$ZONE
gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling squid-central-ig \
--max-num-replicas 3 \
--target-load-balancing-utilization 0.6 \
--cool-down-period 90 --zone=$ZONE
gcloud compute backend-services create squid-map-backend-service --load-balancing-scheme=internal --protocol TCP --health-checks hc-tcp-3128 --region $REGION
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend squid-map-backend-service --instance-group squid-central-ig --instance-group-zone $ZONE --region $REGION
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create squid-ilb \
--region=$REGION \
--load-balancing-scheme=internal \
--ip-protocol=TCP \
--ports=3128 --network custom-network1 \
--backend-service=squid-map-backend-service --subnet=subnet-$REGION-192 \
gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe squid-ilb --region $REGION --format="value(IPAddress)"
In my case it was
The following VM will run in the same network which we will use to test
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-temp-squid-ssh-all --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=custom-network1 --target-tags bastion --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:22 --source-ranges=
gcloud beta compute instances create bastion-1 --subnet=subnet-us-central1-192 --no-service-account --no-scopes --tags=bastion --image-family=debian-9 --image-project=debian-cloud
If all goes well, you should see two instances running in the MIG:
if so, ssh to the test host, then
$ curl -vk -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" -L
* Rebuilt URL to:
* Trying
* Trying 2607:f8b0:4001:c03::71...
* Immediate connect fail for 2607:f8b0:4001:c03::71: Network is unreachable
* Trying 2607:f8b0:4001:c03::71...
THis should fail since we prohibited direct access via firwall rule
Export the ILB IP as PROXY_IP
export PROXY_IP=
curl -vk -o /dev/null -s -x $PROXY_IP:3128 -w "%{http_code}\n" -L
The 403 is expected because we have that url in our ‘deny’ list filter_list.txt
$ curl -sk -o /dev/null -s -x $PROXY_IP:3128 -w "%{http_code}\n" -L
The URL above isn’t blocked so we see the 200
Since we are intercepting ssl traffic, we expect the Squid Proxy to sign a certificate on demand
Note the Certificate Issuer in the trace below. Thie issuer is CN=MyCA
and yet the subject CN is
. ssl_crtd
downloaded’s public certificate and generated one by itself to present back.
For another example, see
$ curl -vk -o /dev/null -s -x $PROXY_IP:3128 -w "%{http_code}\n" -L
* Trying
* Connected to (nil) ( port 3128 (#0)
* Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
> Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
< HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established
* Proxy replied OK to CONNECT request <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
* subject:
* start date: Dec 6 13:24:37 2019 GMT
* expire date: Jul 28 13:24:37 2021 GMT
* issuer: C=US; ST=California; L=Mountain View; O=Google; OU=Enterprise; CN=MyCA <<<<<<<<<<<<<
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< Content-Language: en
< Expires: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 01:14:12 GMT
< Vary: Accept-Language
< Last-Modified: Mon, 09 Dec 2019 05:33:11 GMT
< X-XSS-Protection: 0
< Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=3600
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< X-Cloud-Trace-Context: 393e649ca6c08bfbe437ecbe7d772f19
< Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 00:14:12 GMT
< Server: Google Frontend
< Content-Length: 247856
< X-Cache: MISS from <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
< Via: 1.1 (squid/4.9) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The configuration file nobumpSites.txt
simply inpsects the SNI data in the traffic without inspecting the payload transmitted itself. Since this is a type of a passthrough, we should see the actual SSL certificate from a site like
$ curl -vk -o /dev/null -s -x -w "%{http_code}\n" -L
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
* subject: businessCategory=Private Organization; jurisdictionC=US; jurisdictionST=Delaware; serialNumber=251212; C=US; ST=California; L=San Francisco; O=Wells Fargo & Company; OU=DCG-PSG;
* start date: Feb 8 00:00:00 2019 GMT
* expire date: Feb 8 12:00:00 2021 GMT
* issuer: C=US; O=DigiCert Inc; CN=DigiCert Global CA G2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.52.1
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store
< Pragma: no-cache
< expires: -1
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 60344
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 14:54:13 GMT
< Server: Server
Each VM emits squid access logs as a structured log to cloud logging:
At the time of writing, the GPC load balancer healthchecks sends requests to the serving port and those adds a lot of noise into the logs that i have yet to filter out (if you know, LMK)…
The configuration file for the allow/deny URLs filter_list.txt
is periodically downloaded from GCS. If you update the entries in that file and upload to GCS, the configartion has a cron that downloads the file and if its modified from the existing verison, restarts the ssl_crtd
daemon. This means every 5 minutes you can update the list to allow/deny url.
As of 12/12/19, the squid_conf.https_proxy
and nobumpSites.txt
is statc.
Each client that connects to the proxy must trust the CA that signed squid’s certificate. You can use your own CA and distribute that to the clients that access it and even load it to the default trust store (on unix). YOu also have to confgure each client to use the http_proxy directive (either in code or via env-var).
The example contained within this repo uses pyicap
. You are free to reimplement it in go-icap or any other language that is supported
Nothing new, this is really, really old tech….Frankly, its rare full SSL interception takes place. If you decide to implement this setup, please carefully review why you are doing this and secure the certificates and network…DO NOT allow SSH access to the proxies.
gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete squid-ilb --region $REGION -q
gcloud compute backend-services delete squid-map-backend-service --region $REGION -q
gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete squid-central-ig --zone=$ZONE -q
gcloud compute health-checks delete tcp hc-tcp-3128 -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-squid -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete firewall-rules-squid-allow-hc -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete disable-https-egress -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-https-egress -q
(if you setup a bastion)
gcloud compute instances delete bastion-1 -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-temp-squid-ssh-all -q
gcloud compute instance-templates delete squid-template -q
gcloud compute routers nats delete nat-config --router=nat-router --region=$REGION -q
gcloud compute routers delete nat-router -q
gcloud compute networks delete custom-network1 -q
gcloud compute networks subnets delete subnet-$REGION-192 --region=$REGION -q
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